Community Rules

By using our Website (“Site”, "Website", "Platform"), you agree to all of the following Community Rules, along with Terms and Conditions of Service and the entire Agreement which can be found HERE.

Our Singles Community Rules are designed to create a warm, friendly and romantic atmosphere on our Platform so that you could enjoy your time and, maybe, find your soulmate. These rules are subject to changes, so please, visit this page from time to time to be aware of such. You will find here main rules for the type of sharing which is allowed on the Platform and what type of content may be reported to us and removed.

Be Respectful

Our Singles Community is an open platform for people all over the World, who have different views, opinions, nationalities, culture, etc. Respecting people's time, attention, personal choices, and personal boundaries is essential for our Community. Be respectful in interactions with people and in content posted on the Platform.

While we appreciate a lot your feedback about the Platform, any post containing derogatory comments about our administrators, moderators, support team or other stuff is considered a personal attack and will be removed.

Be Kind

We expect all users of our Singles Community Platform not to use any kind of hate speech, supremacy or behavior that incites hate of violence against any individual or groups of people. Any attempts to use someone’s insecurities for personal gain, or any other manipulation or exploitation is unacceptable as well.

We are all different people and not all of us speak English (or other language you prefer to communicate) perfectly. So please, be as clear as possible when you’re explaining yourself and be supportive and kind when you see someone explaining her/himself not as you expected. That would make a much more comfort atmosphere of the Community.

Be Wise and Reasonable

Our Platform is open to absolutely all kinds of people which become Members or Registered Users or any users with authorized access to the Platform. Thus, you should be wise and reasonable during any and all communications on the Platform. Always remember that all people are different and can act against our Terms, these Rules or the whole Agreement. We are explicitly and strictly against any and all attempts of fraud, misrepresentation, request for financial aid or any similar actions and, while we make all efforts to intercept and stop such behavior, we will not accept any liability for such actions or communications on the Platform if caused any damages or unnecessary expenditures. Thus, if you become aware of any such action – do not let yourself trick and report us as soon as possible.


You hereby accept and understand that any and all communications between you, other Members or Registered users can take place only upon mutual consent and, therefore, You may reject or be rejected from any kind of communication, real world meetings or any other way of interaction at all times and if such situation takes place, there will be no consequences resulting from it.

Restricted Content

There is a certain scope of content that we shall not tolerate throughout the Community and will delete upon detection, such as (a) content sent to a Member or Registered Users that is irrelevant, impersonal, unsolicited, promotional or repetitive or any other content that could be perceived as spam, or (b) any content that is directly forbidden according to the Terms and Conditions of Service or other similar content which contradicts to modern social standards or our Community atmosphere.

Keep Private Things Private

You must keep your private information private at all times. As you probably know already, it is strictly prohibited to share any of your contact information, such as address, phone number, e-mail, skype, social networks account or any other information that can be interpreted as contact information. You may only do so in accordance with Terms and Conditions of Service if such opportunity is provided via the Services on the Platform. Unfortunately, all efforts to bypass this clause, such as encrypted or veiled communication of such information shall be presumed as violation of these Rules, Terms and Conditions of Service and may result in suspension or deletion of your account without any liability on our part.

Last revised: May 20th, 2019