ID: 2305720

Oleksandra from Cherkasy, Ukraine, 20 y.o.

Residence: Cherkasy, Ukraine
Height: 5'7" - 170 cm
Weight: 126 lb - 57 kg
Eye color: green
Hair color: blonde
Body type: athletic
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Religion: Christian
Education: still studying
Marital status: never been married
Children: none
Smoke: no
Drink: no
Hobbies: Dancing
Sport: Gym, pole dance
Music: Indie rock
Been abroad: No
English level: speak at a good level
Zodiac: taurus

Oleksandra's Exclusive Photos (6)

Ukrainian mail order bride Oleksandra from Cherkasy with blonde hair and green eye color - image 2 Ukrainian mail order bride Oleksandra from Cherkasy with blonde hair and green eye color - image 3
Casual (2)
Fancy photos (1)
Selfies (2)
Ukrainian mail order bride Oleksandra from Cherkasy with blonde hair and green eye color - image 4 Ukrainian mail order bride Oleksandra from Cherkasy with blonde hair and green eye color - image 5 Ukrainian mail order bride Oleksandra from Cherkasy with blonde hair and green eye color - image 6 Ukrainian mail order bride Oleksandra from Cherkasy with blonde hair and green eye color - image 7

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Aim of acquaintance


About me

You may have already looked through a lot of women's profiles and read that they are all flawless, and maybe you are already tired of it. I would like to inform you that I can really be special to you... I am a girl living with new feelings and desires. I am glad that you finally met me, my name is Alexa. I think at first glance at me, I seem to be an innocent and untouched nature, and you may be ashamed to write to me but be brave. My fragility hides a passion that I am ready to show you! Does the ideal man really exist? In my childhood, I dreamed of a prince, but now I realize that the age, status, and position of my man are not important, if you just really appreciate your beloved girl. Therefore, I am not looking for a perfect man, I have a real goal to find a man who wants to feel mutual love.

About my partner

Does the ideal man really exist? In my childhood, I dreamed of a prince, but now I realize that the age, status, and position of my man are not important, if you just really appreciate your beloved girl. Therefore, I am not looking for a perfect man, I have a real goal to find a man who wants to feel mutual love. If you really want a real relationship, then we should get to know each other. So I am waiting for you, my prince.