I want to create a family, share joyful moments of life with a loved one and support each other in difficult times. It is important for me that there should be harmony in the relationship, common interests and the desire to grow and develop together.
I have a soft and pliable character, and I can be a little shy when I first start communicating with a new person. At the first stages of acquaintance, I am often cautious, because I want to feel safe and confident next to a person. Few people know, but I can be very cheerful, playful and sometimes even a little strange when I open my soul. It is important to have a person with whom I feel comfortable and with whom I could be myself. I appreciate moments of sincerity, kindness and attentiveness. When a man shows gentlemanliness, respect and care, I begin to feel like I am with a person whom I can trust, and this opens up a new world for me. I think that such relations are built on mutual respect and sincerity. I am not looking for games on this dating site, it is important for me that a man understands that in a relationship not only external interaction is important, but also internal unity, support and trust. I am open to communication, and perhaps we can find something special with you. If you are ready to show patience and attentiveness, then I am sure that our meeting can be something real and meaningful for both of us.
For me, it is very important for a man to be the leader in the family. I believe that relationships should be built on mutual respect and support, where everyone fulfills their role. When you make a decision, I am ready to support it and trust your confidence. I would choose such a man who is confident in himself and who is able to guide us towards common goals. Of course, I am always ready to discuss something, to offer my point of view, but I will not argue or try to change your opinion if you decide that this is the best way. I want you to feel supported and confident that there will be a person next to you who believes in your decisions and is ready to be there, despite any difficulties. I am looking for a man on this dating site who will be strong and determined, able to accept responsibility, and who knows where he is going. I am ready to become your faithful and reliable support, and support you so that we can move forward together, building a strong and harmonious relationship.
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