I am looking for a serious relationship based on trust, support and a common desire for a happy family.
I am a child psychologist who doesn't just listen, but hears. Every child is a whole world, and my work helps to understand this world, support it, and fill it with trust. I can see hidden emotions behind pictures, understand feelings between the lines, and find the key to a child's heart even where it seems that all doors are closed. By nature, I am calm, but at the same time filled with the energy of change. I am not afraid of difficult questions, on the contrary, they motivate me to search even deeper. I believe that childhood is the foundation of all life.
I am not looking for an ideal man, but a kindred soul. Someone who understands that relationships are not only romance, but also partnership, trust, and the desire to move forward together. He is not afraid of emotions, knows how to listen and understand without unnecessary words. A partner who knows what he wants from life, but is open to new things, is important to me. A person who knows how to be supportive, but does not try to change me. He is kind, intelligent and can easily make my day better - even with just a smile.
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