What Russian Women Want In Men


What Russian Women Want In Men - image 1 A woman is one of the most complex creatures made by God and it might take a lifetime for a man to understand her. Women are the riddles that men spend their lives solving. However, one question that often pops up in mind is “What do women want in men?” Well, there is no definite answer to this and it often varies from one woman to another.

If you are on a mission to understand a woman and really find out what women find attractive in men then you need to actually widen up your area of research. A fit body, sense of humor, positive attitude, personal hygiene, bright smile, romantic behaviour, confidence… and the list can be continued. Well, when we particularly seek the answer to the question “What do women look for in men?” then it is better to stick to some of the basics. I have been with many women and from my experience, I have been able to glean some information, analyze it and come to a few conclusions. Here is the list that I have been able to compile, which might help men who are looking to impress their dates.


  • Confidence - This is probably the most important character trait that grabs the attention of every woman. A woman always wants her man to be self-confident and strong because a confident man will never be afraid to approach and talk to a woman. People often tend to confuse “cocky” with “confident” but there is a huge difference between the two. There is no need to show off yourself, your girl will find you sexy when you are approachable and open while making her feel relaxed in your company.

  • Mental strength This might sound really strange but the fact is that women always prefer men who are mentally strong. You should stop complaining about your life and self-doubts you suffer from. You can definitely tell her about your doubts but only when you have earned the trust and love of your woman. You should come across as a person who can overcome difficulties and stay positive.

  • Personality prevails over a fit body Your personality is what matters most and it forms a major part of your sex appeal. Whether you are well-built or not, it is of minor priority because women are more comfortable with men who have strong personality.

  • Personal hygiene Most men do not take care of themselves and feel that it is sexy to go for a date without a shower before. No matter whether you have taken a shower in the morning, you always need to look perfect and have a good smell when you are on a dinner date. Take good care of your skin and nails because unkempt hair, dirty nails and rough skin can be a real turn off for many women.

  • Good ClothesThis does not mean that you need to wear a three hundred dollar shirt for your date. You need to wear decent clothes that you are comfortable in. For instance, if you think that you can feel yourself really well just in jeans and a T-shirt then do so. You do not need to wear a tuxedo if it makes you uncomfortable.

  • Sense of humor Men with good sense of humor always bring smiles to women faces and that is half the job done. You need to posess a little sense of humor even if you think you can’t do so. If you are really serious about impressing your date then a few wisecracks can make the atmosphere lighter and at the same time make your woman feel comfortable in your company.

  • Good listening skillsThe best way to start talking to your woman is to give her a patient hearing. You need to hone your listening skills so that you know what she thinks about you and the date. She might keep talking a lot, so do not jump in with your views and try to listen to her instead. This way, you will be able to articulate your responses in a better manner and she would also feel that you actually want to hear her viewpoints. 


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