How to keep your girlfriend interested and not miss the love of your life

Table of contents:

  1. I came, I saw, I conquered, or the tactic of " combat"
  2. A man's confidence when meeting and on a first date
  3. How to get a girl without leaving your home

Interest - how much is contained in this concept... It is multifaceted, just like a woman's nature. The main feature of interest is a positive emotional effect, which impresses a man from the first moments. If a man immediately understands that he has the urge to learn more about the object of his interest, he will naturally desire to cause the same sympathy in the lady.

how to keep your girlfriend interested

How to do this and most accurately choose the words? How to approach and speak, where to put his eyes, how to organize your thoughts? It is easy to conquer the heart of his chosen one than it seems. A man in this situation must act confidently and courageously and read useful literature beforehand. And now, let's answer all the questions that torment the more vigorous sex.

Interest does not appear out of anywhere, although at the moment when you liked the girl, it seems that way. Your new acquaintance may have that trait of character, appearance, or of behavior that makes you fall in love even more. She has a zest that allows her to impress men. Once you see this trait, coping with your emotions and quickly finding the right words will be easier. 

I came, I saw, I conquered, or the tactic of " combat"

The Latin expression can be applied to your desire to win the hand and heart of the woman you like. The ideal "offensive" consists of three parts. The first is acquaintance, the second is a proper compliment and showing interest in her person, and the third is "grabbing" attention and proposing.

You shouldn't take the last part of your introduction literally, but you must offer something before leaving. Put your intelligence into action. The girl will be pleased if you accompany her home, perhaps you will arrange a date, or get her phone number. When you ask for the number, don't pause. Instead, please remove your smartphone and pretend you're already writing it down. This tactic will help you get her phone number more easily. If you want to take advantage of this, however, you need to have a clue during the conversation that will cause you to want to take the girl's phone number. For example, you talked about how you'd like to help her with something, or she mentioned that she last went to the theater a while ago.

There are different situations in life. One of them assumes that a man is already distantly acquainted with a girl, but he secretly dreams of winning her heart. Once again, there are many ways to attract her, from correspondence on social networks and appointing a date to non-trivial ways to surprise your chosen one.

Give her as much attention as possible, offer flowers, make compliments, arrange a beautiful date, and attach great importance to romance. Of course, if you have enough financial resources, it is better to avoid being greedy during the courtship but not pay too much attention to the money, trying to buy the feeling of the chosen one. If this happens, and you meet her relatives and friends, you should make the best impression on them.

Learn how to surprise. You probably already know that women like surprises and new experiences. Deciding what surprise to present, you need to consider the character traits and interests of the chosen one. For someone, it will be the unexpected going to the movies, someone will enjoy visiting the premiere performance or will be surprised to find themselves at the exhibition of a famous artist, and someone will be delighted by the extreme recreation in the countryside. The main thing is for the girl to get positive emotions and like the surprise.

A man's confidence when meeting and on a first date

The ideal man in women's minds is a support, a wall behind which she will be safe. It is this criterion that guides every second lady on the planet. Visually, it looks like this: straight, no slouching back, confident straight gaze, relaxed chin, stability, and neat appearance. Such characteristics tell the girl that a man knows what he wants, stands firmly on his feet, and can speak correctly and beautifully. In general, this indicates the seriousness of your intentions for the lady.

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If a man bends his back and shrugs all the time, looking away, this shows a soft and, to some extent, not serious man. First, being with such a man is unattractive, and second, the girl can't rely on him. Non-verbal signs suggest that it is useless to even talk to him.

So how to dress for a first date? It is one of the most accessible questions to answer. If you don't want to lose face, the undying classics always come to the rescue in a slightly sloppy presentation. A good choice is a shirt, pants, and some stylish accessories. Please pay special attention to your shoes; they must be spotless. No excuses about the fact that it's raining and muddy outside will renew the ruined impression. Avoid bright and silly colors. Clothes in calm tones will make a good impression on the first date. You will feel more confident, and your confidence will undoubtedly make a good impression on the girl.

The following vital point is the use of toilet water and deodorant. Finally, shower and gently add a drop of perfume to the fragrance of freshness. A reduction will be enough; women can usually immediately distinguish between expensive and cheap smells.

How to get a girl without leaving your home

Getting a phone number gives you the green light for further action, from welcoming messages and compliments to actual calls. Until recently, young people met each other entirely by chance on the street or at a party. But, thanks to the Internet, you can meet a pretty girl on social networking sites or dating services.

Social networks have broken into our lives, so why not take advantage of their benefits and charm a cute young lady through correspondence? If you want to please your companion and arouse her genuine interest, you should follow specific rules and not use the standard phrases that have become commonplace to everyone.

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Before dating or communicating with your chosen one, "clean" your page from compromising and unpleasant things. Such things as half-naked girls in your friends and inappropriate account layout may confuse your new acquaintance. It's hard to seduce a girl: pictures where you are presented in an unfavorable light, drunk, embraced by lecherous girls, just a poorly taken picture, etc., photos where besides the person, you can see the garbage in the background. Also, remove yourself from groups that unambiguously state your intentions, such as "How to get her for quick sex."

Young ladies on Facebook or a dating site are interested in the applicant's age, marital status, and appearance, i.e., photos. Provide accurate information so as not to cause rejection in a face-to-face meeting. If you are in a serious relationship, it is better to specify. A girl looking for a specific type of dating will answer in any case, and by hiding this detail from the decent young lady, you risk ruining her life because she may fall in love.

Regarding photos, not all guys can seduce a girl with a naked torso, so it's better to publish your photos with your clothes on and without sunglasses. The more pictures you have on your profile, the more favorable impression you will make on the young lady.

How to attract a girl to your page? Post photos from your family photo album, where you cuddle with animals, are captured at plays or concerts or do physical exercises. It is proven that most girls are sensitive to these kinds of photos. It will draw attention to you.

What to write in the first message? Many young people are concerned about what to write in the greeting letter to intrigue the potential interlocutor, attract her attention and continue communication as long as possible. Only without the clichéd phrases like " How are you" "Hello, what are you doing" " You look good," and so on. As a rule, a girl does not take this seriously.

You can intrigue the girl of your dreams only with politeness, an unorthodox approach, and sincere attention. It is easy to get acquainted if you are in a group of interest. Just hint that you are interested in the same hobby and decided to write to her about it. This way, you show that there is something in common between you. This version of the events will cause interest: "Hello, I saw you yesterday in real life. You are even prettier than in photos". Here we can distinguish two successful moments: first, you are complimenting, and second, the girl begins to find out where you could see each other. That is, it starts a conversation.

Avoid impudence in conversation because confidence and rudeness have nothing in common. But the most repulsive are vulgar jokes, obscene language, and phrases with sexual connotations. Do not even hint at sex. Whether it's your first or second meeting, the lady will hardly appreciate your advances.

Don't look at her like a cat at a mouse; try to be confident, but sometimes look away so that you don't make a victim out of the girl and don't drive her into a corner. If you are confident in your gestures, words, look, and voice timbre from the first minutes of the meeting, the girl is probably half yours. A well-said compliment and a pleasant conversation will do their job, and your sincerity and openness will not go unnoticed!

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