Marrying a Russian Woman: Who Are Russian Brides and Where Do They Usually Come from?
Nowadays, due to the globalization process, international marriages have become very popular. Very often, Western men choose Russian beauties. Thousands of people meet Russian ladies online every year. The statistics don’t lie: more and more people get involved in international marriages. They say that Russian brides are ideal wives and lovers. It is true, and you can ask everyone who has ever tried to date a Russian beauty. They all will tell you that it is next to impossible to switch back to local girls after dating Russian ladies. They are incredibly passionate, humble, and devoted to their families.
You won’t find a girl who would love her family more than a Russian girl. They are raised with the idea that they must find a good husband and devote their time to their children. While Western women care more about their careers and income, Russian girls search for life-partners with whom they will be able to create a family and raise children. They are very family devoted people. If this sounds too good to be true, then try to meet a woman now and ask her yourself.
Why Russian Women Become Russian Brides?
When I heard how cool and nice Russian brides are, my first question was, “If they are so cool, then why they want to marry some foreigners, instead of marrying their own men?” I began my investigation, and I am going to share the results of it with you. First of all, there is no universal answer to this question because every girl has her own reasons to marry foreigners. Some of them intentionally search for Western men, some met foreigners during their trips to other countries and then just decided to stay there. In any case, some reasons can explain the majority of Russian brides.
Economy conditions
It might be the most important reason why some Russian brides decide to marry Western men. As you may have heard, the Russian economy struggles from terrible management. They spend too much money on their military at the expense of the social programs. This is why there are so many poor people in Russia. Add here relatively terrible living conditions. Most of the Russian lives in “Khrushchyovkas.” It is a building made from concrete panels or bricks. Usually, children there don’t have their rooms. So, of course, your future Russian bride will like to raise her children in a big house instead of a small apartment. And we haven't mentioned the state healthcare conditions. Russian healthcare department suffers from underfunding since the USSR times. It is not only way easier to give birth to a child in the USA but also much safer.
Family and social pressure
Russian girls are raised with the idea that they must create a family and have many kids. Many Russian girls just can’t find lovers among local men. Because Russian men are very conformist and sometimes lazy. In standard Russian marriage, wives always want more: more money, better living conditions, a vacation in a foreign country, so on and so forth. While Russian men, instead of making their lives better, prefer to spend their time on sofas in front of PC or TV. And in the end, the Russian girl has a choice to marry one of those men, who may also like to drink too much alcohol or suffer from social and family pressure, “You are 31 years old, when are you going to find a husband?” Of course, not all of them are like that, but in Russia, there are more women than men, and the best men usually have already been taken.
Search for something new
Some girls feel utterly comfortable with their living conditions. Usually, they have rich parents, European education, and prefer to date older men. Those girls just search for something new in their lives. They won’t be easily satisfied with the way how common people in Russia live. Because they have already seen a better life and felt how it tastes. The same thing happens to Western men, who after dating Russian girls will never go back to dating their local beauties. So, these girls search for new emotions and feelings. They can’t get them from local men because they start to feel that everything is the same. In the end, they get tired of trying and accept that they were meant to be alone or start searching for international partners.
Why Men Like Russian Women?.jpg)
As we have already told you, Russian women are very popular among American men. But why so many people want to find a Russian bride and try to learn more about the advantages of marrying a Russian woman? They are very suitable partners for marriage, due to their culture that puts families above everything else. While Western women are affected by the third wave feminism, Russian beauties stand aside from this tendency. Though it doesn’t mean that they don’t fight for their rights, they just do it more smartly. Their only intention is to be happy, and they want wealth only because they want to give a good life to their children.
In Western countries, women tend to lose their femininity, while in Russia, girls know that their femininity is their best weapon that can conquer everything. They know how to use their beauty and seductiveness to get what they want. This is one of the most well-known sides of Russian women. Plus, they are always ready to find compromises during your arguments. They believe that in a couple, it is better if both of you will be half-satisfied after your arguments, but no one will feel entirely wrong. As you can see, it is easy to find common ground with them.
Russian women are family-oriented
There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one is that marriage is a priority in Russia and all other Post-Soviet states. They tend to pay a lot of attention to their parents, especially in their teenage years. In Russia, it is not ok to send your elders to a nursing home. Their people tend to watch over their parents and grandparents by themselves. They teach their children to take care of elders from an early age. So, don’t expect that she will forget about her relatives if you decide to live together. After the marriage, their husbands become the center of their lives. You simply can’t find a more loyal and faithful wife than a Russian girl. She will easily sacrifice her career for your children and family. Russian girls are well known for their ability to support their men. This is why so many people think about marrying a Russian girl.
Russian women have great intellect
Even though in Russia, they still follow old traditions, Russian women can easily establish careers and run businesses. Usually, they tend to let their husbands take care of those issues because, as a rule, they expect their husbands to lead in their relationships. This fact doesn’t mean that she will stay at home all the time. Russian girls love to study and usually have more than one diploma. They have sharp minds and great intellect. This allows them to be very productive. You will be surprised by how fast she will adapt to a new society. Russian ladies can easily establish social contacts, even in foreign countries. The best option is to run a business together. Thus, you will be able to cover each other's weaknesses and use the strongest sides. One of the benefits of marrying a Russian woman is that as a result, you get the strongest ally who will support you no matter what.
Russian women are very beautiful
The beautify of Russian girls is very-well known fact. Their beauty is the most important reason why Western men dream about marrying a Russian bride. They pay a lot of their time to look good. Russian lady will never go somewhere without makeup. They have good taste in clothes too. They love to read modern magazines about fashion, but they don’t follow all fashion trends blindly. Their taste allows them to create brilliant combinations of clothes. Another reason, the beauty of Russian girls, it seems to me, is assimilation. The Russians in themselves have mixed so many peoples that it is already impossible to find a purebred Russian. And as we know, such a mixture of blood gives beautiful children. Plus, Russian girls are very self-confident. More than 70% of them believe that they are beautiful.
Russian women are hardworking and independent
How can Russian girls be independent if they believe that a man is a leader of the family? Yes, she definitely would like you to be in charge, but she will never be an obedient slave in your relationships. Many people google how to order Russian bride. But you can’t do that. They are too proud to be sold somewhere. Those websites are usually scams. In your relations with the Russian girl, it is very important to respect her, otherwise, she will simply leave you. They are very hardworking people, in Russia, it sometimes happens that they live with men who don’t have a job. Those men usually take care of household chores, while Russian girls work hard to earn money for the family. So, before marrying a Russian bride, make sure that you understand what you are doing. If you are not ready to be respective and gentle, then it is better to avoid Russian women.
Russian women are excellent mothers
They learn how to care about children since their childhood. Their children are the most important thing in their lives. Usually, Russian girls spend a lot of time with their grandmothers and have to take care of their younger brother and sisters during their childhood. During this stage of their lives, they learn how to take care of children. Besides, their mothers usually serve as an excellent example of family-oriented mothers, who love their children more than anything else. Add here social and cultural heritage, and as a result, you will get a perfect mother. Russian ladies don’t feel that motherhood is their duty or work as most of the Western women do. They believe that pregnancy and children are blessings, and they are happy to raise their children.
Tips to Help You Find a Russian Bride
We hope that this article will help you realize if you want to marry a Russian girl or not. We expect that you only become more confident in your desire to find a beautiful Russian woman. So, how to get a Russian bride? You don’t need any special skills to be successful with Russian ladies. But be careful because you may face gold diggers and scam websites.
Gold diggers are girls who only want your money. There are many girls like that even in the United States, so you can imagine how many of them you will find on the Internet. Scam websites usually tell you that you will find a brilliant girlfriend in less than a week, but all you need to do is just to pay for your subscription. Don’t worry because they are not all like that. You just need to be careful, as with anything else on the Internet, and you will be fine.
We going to provide you with 5 best tips that will help you find a Russian bride. Don't expect to find a girl in less than a month. This process may take some decent amount of time, but you must understand that to establish good international relationships, you need to pay a lot of effort and time.
1. Create a good profile
Your profile page is your the most powerful weapon in a search for a Russian bride. No matter what dating website or application you will like to use, you always need to create a nice profile. Upload a couple of your photos. You should be alone on them, so girls will be able to see your face. Avoid wearing hats or sunglasses because they may cover your face. Write a short and nice bio because if girls like your photos, then they go to read your bio. If there is nothing to read there, then they will just keep searching.
2. Don’t hide your emotions
It is very important to share your emotions. During texting, your Russian girlfriend may look distant and cold. This is because she doesn’t know what to expect from you. Feel free to express your emotions and give her compliments. But they must be witty and smart, try to avoid complimenting her beauty. She unquestionably receives hundreds of comments about her looks every day. Try to be original and avoid sexual topics.
3. Pay attention to her culture
Girls like to share stories from their life. She will surely like to tell you about her culture and things that may look strange for you. Usually, Russian girls have the upper hand here because they are familiar with Western culture. She may be watching the same TV shows and movies as you do. For you, it is important to know at least something because her culture plays a great role in forming her character. You may also try to learn a couple of phrases in Russian. She will be pleasantly surprised.
4. Show her that you are a gentleman
During your conversation with Russian girls, it is important to show that you are a gentleman. They are very old-fashioned and are not affected by modern feminism. If you feel that your chivalry skills got a little bit rusty, then you can try to watch old-school movies to polish them a little bit. This is especially important if you are going to visit her. She will expect you to open doors for her, pay at restaurants, and hold her jacket.
5. Show that you care
Every woman loves attention from their man. So, it is very important to show that you truly care about her feelings and problems. But you must be very careful here. Often scammers use your willingness to care about people against you. You should never agree to send “her” money. Scammers may create a very sad story about ill mother and her very expensive life-saving pills. If your new girlfriend begins to ask for money, then you definitely should search for someone else. You can take care of her in many other ways that don’t require money. Adequate girls understand it.
We hope that now you understand why so many Western men search for a Russian mail bride. Russian girls are very vibrant and magnificent people. They know how to love, care, and support, but only if you do the same for them in return. They can be your worst nightmare or the brightest thing that has ever happened in your life. Don’t rush your relationships with a Russian lady, she usually needs more time than you to understand whether she truly loves and needs you.
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