The Guide to Having a Successful Online Dating Chat

The attitude towards online chatting is mixed. Somebody thinks this is a waste of time; others celebrate the wedding with soul mates, which was found through a network. It’s safe to say the only one thing: the popularity of the online chat sites grows day by day. The explanation is simple: it’s a new way to communicate with people from other countries, who have different ages and status. Dating chat sites is a chance to find a person with similar interests and tastes.

online dating chat

What is a secret of these online services? Why is this opportunity used by a growing number of people in the world, instead of lively communication?

1. Accessibility. There’s no need to waste time visiting various events. It’s enough to have gadget and Internet access.

2. It doesn’t matter, what time it is now. You may have online chat day and night. The Internet considerably increases the number of potential dating.

3. You may not answer the messages immediately; there's enough time to find a suitable response or the approach to an interlocutor.

4. Another plus is an opportunity to communicate with several people. It’s much easier to start online texting, then to talk alive, so this is a perfect solution for shy persons.

5. Unsuitable candidates may be passed by the age, the profession or interests.

How to create cool dating site profile?

An online profile is your visiting card. Looking at it, potentially admirers will decide to write you or not. If the profile is created properly, your chats online will be enjoyable and succeed.


1. Good photos – half success! Opening your online page, the first thing the people look at is your photo. The better the photos, the more answers you will get. Many believe that enough to have one photo only. But, that is not true, especially, if this is an amateur one or just a fragment. Don’t be lazy; make cool photos especially for a site. Add images, characterizing you as a person. These can be photographs from the work or snapshots, telling about your interests. This is a perfect way to describe you and to facilitate communication. You will agree with me, it’s a good excuse to strike up a conversation.

2. Decide, what you want. It seems very easy at first, but if you ask somebody the reason for registration on dating sites, the only thing they can answer is, “I want to get to know someone.” The individuality will make your site profile more alive. List the acceptable types of relationship (for short periods, long-term or marriage); fill out the information such as preferred age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status etc.

3. Just start with an attractive description. The text must be sensible and show the information about you and your desires. This is the other most important element that will define the further necessity of reading your dating profile. You can explore the descriptions of other users that get your attention and to write something similar. But, it’s particularly important not to copy.

4. Create a list of necessary features, characterizing your potential partner: the desired ones, but non-essential and compulsory ones. It may include interests and activities, hobbies and passions of the chosen one. You need to consider possibilities of including specific interests, aims and dreams that can be shared together.

5. What makes you unique? Don’t be afraid to mention interests that at first sight can seem trivial, unpopular and even boring. The fact, that you are fond of classical black-and-white movies, wouldn’t draw any attention, but it may be interesting for someone special. It’s those things that help to create the so-called “bait” for your profile.

6. Be positive. Try to forget about your problems, misfortunes and shortcomings for a while. Maybe that’s selfish, but nobody cares about your life difficulties. This is a taboo at this stage of acquaintance. It is better to tell a funny story or interesting life event.

7. It’s a mistake to gross over your reality. The deception will be discovered sooner or later and your reputation will suffer. If you want to be accepted for who you are and to be understood by someone, just tell the truth.

How to chat dating sites? The most workable pieces of advice for women:

1. Starting live chart online, don’t forget about the first impression. Don’t answer questions too linearly. The man is a hunter, who need to conquest. Discovering secrets and mysteries is his favourite thing. It’s the only method to make your communication breathtaking and fascinating. Your task is to nail him down. Unnecessary frankness and openness are probably superfluous. You need to create an aura of mystery, but don’t go overboard. Show him, that you are open for a dialogue.

2. Preparing to video chats you may think about unusual answers for traditional questions. These questions, that don’t need direct responses, as it’s like a job interview or during interrogation. Address and a company name, where you work are not interesting for a man. But if you tell him, for example, that your life goal at work is to make others feel good, it will be much wiser. Using video chatting, just try to involve your interlocutor into the wonderful world of bright emotions. Brief and concise answers wouldn’t bring the desired result because one-word replies kill the interest to the conversation. Maintain contact in an intriguing manner, giving life to his imagination and fantasies.

3. How long may a live chat online last? Women have some tricks of their own here, which will help nail him down. This trick will force him to track your visits to the chat and dating site, and of course, he will think about you day and night. During first three days you must be online as long as you can and answer all his questions. Later online time must be limited to 2-3 hours per day. It will make the potential mate wait for your visit on site and to adapt to you. They like it so much when your playful dialogue makes him happy. And you make them feel special, giving little portions of flattery. As a result, they want more and more. During next two-day, you need to lay low and doesn’t attend dating site, without any warning, of course. That is when your virtual suitor realized what he can lose. And as soon as you decide to go online, be sure, he will try to ask you out on a date. Before, the girl of his dream will try to disappear again.

How to start a conversation with a girl on the dating site?

Everybody knows that women like attention, especially when someone turns his eyes towards special details relevant to her only. You need to win her over. Some pieces of advice, how to write the first message:

1. Don’t write banal messages like, “Hi, how are you?” This is not the right way. First, you need is to stand out from the crowd. Sincerity and honesty are all that you need. If your communication isn’t false, the chances to gain the truth of the girl will increase sharply.

2. The most workable method is to intrigue her. You may ask questions, intriguing her curiosity and interest. Even, if she is a real beauty, a clever ruse ought to work. Try to write without mistakes, intelligent girls like literate guys.

3. There’s no reason you need to get with a correspondence online. A dating video chat can be used to make your relationship more intimate. But, it’s not a good time to bring up such touchy subject as sex. It may scare her off. Speaking about this, you can keep juggling this line between funny jokes and stories.

Some compliments, a positive mood, a conversation and shared interests are the basis of the dating sites. Hundreds of single men and women wait for you! Good luck!

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