Comprehensive Guide on How to Date Greek Woman

Who is she - a Greek woman? An ordinary girl who will support you in everything and raise children? Or a goddess, with long beautiful hair, beautiful, graceful, smart? Today I will try to tell you all that I know about Greek girls, about their customs, culture, how to meet them, how to date them and, finally, how to marry them.

greek woman

What are Greek women like?

Describing character traits of so many people is quite a task. First of all, everyone has their own unique character. Yet there are some things to know that are true.

Greek women go for Greek men. That’s not me using the English language in some odd manner, that’s the reality of the situation. It’s in their culture, Greeks do not like outsiders, the recent political events haven’t been exactly too helpful in this regard. While many younger people, obviously, are more liberal in this regard, it is still to be expected.

Greeks, in many ways like Italians, put a lot of emphasis on the family and family values. Girls, from the youngest age, are brought up to be mothers, the keepers of the home. To get married and to raise children is the main priority of any Greek woman. In short, the traditional family values of conservative nature reign here. The religion is very important in the life of Greeks. The family ties are as well. They believe that upbringing and religion play a big part in determining who you are.

Things you need to know before dating Greek girl

They do not know how to hide emotions, and do not even try to do it. Hence the notorious Greek incontinence: if a Greek wants to cry out, they will cry out. If a Greek wants to touch the hand of the interlocutor - they won't even bother to think about your reaction. If he/she wants to sing his/her favorite song out loud – he/she will!

Greeks love to dance, not only their traditional dances but everything that is trending. Greeks are constantly happy and thus they love to express it in every possible way, that’s why they often turn to a dance. Greeks are passionate about their crafts. They get deep into anything that they get involved in. Even at the most basic things, a Greek lady gets into conflicts and arguments about who is better at cooking. Oh my, it gets violent. You don’t want to offend the honor of a Greek woman.

It is common to use facial expressions as a way of conveying emotions, with all the straightforwardness and honesty of Greek people, well, it’s quite a character.

Greek people are generally quite superstitious. They knock on wood, they spit, and do all that kind of stuff. These superstitions pass from a generation to generation, thus, there are now less of them, but be aware of this when you visit Greece. Greek people are passionate and love their culture. They believe, and they are right about it in a way, that they have invented many things and have been the first in many things.

dating a greek womanReasons to date Greek girl

  • They are good at dancing. While we have mentioned it already, just think about it. A girl that is good at dancing, with all of that cultural flavor and fire to her. Oh my.
  • A Greek lady is usually quite good at cooking, they get quite competitive about it and they will want to prove it to you every single day.
  • They love parties, they like to drink, as we’ve said, dance and have a good time. And considering their culture, they are quite good at it.
  • Family matters to Greek people, it is of great value, they honor their parents and won’t let anyone hurt them. Greek people like to travel back to their country quite often if they live abroad. They love their homeland, I mean, can you blame them?

The dating scene in Greece

Greek girls like foreigners, their culture and new things that they bring. You can see quite a few couples of different cultures and races and skin colors.

An important thing about Greek dating culture is that the gender roles in Greece are quite strict. Man is a guardian, a working person and the one who protects the family. A woman is the one who raises kids and works at home. The main thing about Greek dating culture: if she invites you to meet her parents, she is quite serious about it and you are pretty much near marriage.

Greek people often go out in groups, so meeting someone may be hard. Be sure to have a company, establish one, form it by talking to people online. It is an easy way to find a single Greek woman.

Where and how to meet Greek girl

It depends on a city and what it has in store in terms of entertainment.

  • Athens has a lot of beaches, especially outside of the city, since the water is cleaner there.
  • In Monastiraki, near Akropolis, there are a lot of shops and places for tourists, lots of cafes and restaurants as well.
  • Thisseion means lots of cafes, lots of bars and night clubs.
  • Omonoia Square is right in the center of Athens. While there are a lot of beggars and such, many women just ignore that, since there are a lot of restaurants, cafes, night clubs and beautiful squares.
  • There are lots of beautiful girls in Gazi. In general, the area is stacked with nights clubs and such, just don’t get lost.

Culture facts to know before dating a Greek woman

Now that we know the common Greek women features and their character traits, let’s talk about their culture. Many people know that Greece is the cradle of European civilization. It is in this country that the invisible border between Europe and Asia has been drawn, and a beginning has been laid in such social foundations as culture, democracy, and aesthetic values. Every single grain of sand in Greece is filled with history, and under every stone, there is a hidden legend, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Although, of course, the popularity of Greece is due not only to historically valuable ruins, but also to their amazing beaches, luxury hotels, and hot Greek girls. Let’s look into some cultural facts you must know before dating Greek women.

Couples in love in Greece live either in a civil marriage. Wedding for the Greeks is a serious step, no one really does just for the sake of marrying someone, everyone knows how much of a commitment it is. After marriage, it is not at all necessary for girls to take the surname of the husband, but the child will have to get one of two surnames: either the father or the mother.

Respect for the elders is very important. In Greece, you will not find a single nursing home. The very idea of such an institution for the Greeks is considered blasphemy. Older family members live with their children and grandchildren, often forming a large family that deeply respects the concept of "family." Respect for elders here is vaccinated from birth, which excludes a rude attitude towards the elderly. So, having come to visit a Greek family, you will have to show deep respect for the elder generations. This is one of the most important things to consider if you want to date Greek women.

Sweets and water for free! In Greece, do not rush it when you are in a cafe. Perhaps this is due to hot weather, or perhaps the Greeks found the meaning of life? In general, when going to a cafe, do not be surprised when it will take a bit longer to get served than in some other countries, but while you are waiting for an order, a waiter will bring a glass of cool water. And one more tip: do not rush to order a dessert, as in many cafes, they bring it for free. Greek girls love sweets, especially free ones.

Waking up early. The Greeks wake up before it’s too hot outside. They wake up at 5-6 in the morning, but they go to bed after 23.00. It would seem that lack of sleep should affect your health and performance, but not among the Greeks. The fact is that the Greeks compensate for the missing couple of hours with a daytime sleep during a siesta. This time lasts from 14.00 to 16.00, when solar activity reaches its peak. By the way, at the same time, most shops, restaurants, and taverns can be simply closed, so adjust the timing of your dates correctly.

Refuel your car in advance. Surprisingly, in Greece, you will not find a single gas station on the road. The only exception is a motorway, and even then, it may take you a few miles to get to one of those stations. In some cities, gasoline can be purchased from private owners, whose gas stations are located directly in residential buildings on the ground floors.

Signs that Greek girl loves you

Greek brides will invite you to see their parents. It’s a big factor, since it is essentially a prelude to marriage. It is a big step in a relationship. This is a form of evaluation of you as a future husband of their lovely daughter, so be prepared. She starts cooking for you. As we’ve said, they are quite passionate about this craft, so if she starts cooking all the delicious dishes for you, with all the love and care, then she is quite interested in you as a future husband.

She invites you to see her friends. Just as in Italy, friends are of great value, they are like a part of the family, so if she introduces you to her close friends, then, again, you are moving forward and she doesn’t consider you to be a short-term boyfriend.

greek girlfriendDo`s and dont`s

  • Interested in Greek girl dating? Don’t be cheap with them. As they like jewelry a lot, it won’t be a cheap thing to have a Greek girlfriend, yet they value it, they care and see your affection to them.
  • Do not offend her parents. Don’t ever criticize them. You don’t know what you are getting into. The families are hard as a rock and don’t try to chip away at them.
  • Do not offend her friends. They are the second family, they are valued just as much. Greek people will fight tooth and nail for their good friends.
  • Share your culture with them. In Greece, girls like foreigners and new things that they bring into their lives, since they are brought up to go for native Greek men, so they like to play around with all the other possibilities.

Best compliments to Greek women

Compliment her body. As it has always been somewhat controversial, in a way, Greek women are plump, they usually have something to grab onto. And some of them may be too critical of it, so be sure to compliment her on it. Compliment your Greek girlfriend on her cosmetics. While not focusing on it, as if, “oh, I see you have lots of it”, but Greek girls like their cosmetics, and like to hear that they are good at it.

Compliment her jewelry. Just as we’ve said above, they like jewelry a lot. They spend a lot of time choosing it, so be sure to give her a compliment or two on her choice of jewelry.

Compliment her culture. Greek people are quite passionate about their country and their culture, thus if you are dealing with a patriotic woman, be sure to say that you value all the foundation of the modern culture provided by the Greeks.

Marrying a Greek woman

It will start by you visiting her parents. Don’t be afraid and be yourself.

When dating a Greek woman, it is better if you do well in big groups of people. Greek families are big and love each other a lot. Since such meetings with families will be quite often in your life, be sure to get to love these people. Prepare for all the fiery temperaments to surround you, all the iterations of Greek mannerisms, culture, religion and such, their personal things and quirks. It is quite a mouthful to swallow at once, be patient to all of her friends and relatives. If you accept them into your life, they will do so as well and will fight for you as for one of their own.

Be prepared to get fat. Yeah, quite direct, yet it’s true. Greek food is delicious and Greek women are passionate about making it.

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