Marriage Facts Every Christian Should Know

It's no secret that the modern institution of marriage and family is experiencing a deep crisis. Most families break up, making millions unhappy. Marriage facts and statistics in America claim that there are two divorces in three marriages. There are also millions of abortions made across the country. This is because people tend to keep their comfort at all costs. The moral attitudes of hedonism and consumerism, so ingrained in the minds of people in recent decades, have a devastating effect on traditional values, including the values of marriage and family. Their true meaning is lost. In the West, such phenomena as same-sex marriage and juvenile justice are spreading with incredible speed and force. So how can we save norms of morality and strengthen our marriages? Today you will learn some interesting facts about marriage and get some tips. Without further ado, here we go!

christian marriage tips

Facts about marriage

1. The closer the age of husband and wife to each other, the fewer chances that they will divorce in the future, scientists believe. The difference in one year increases the risk of divorce by 3%, a five-year difference increases it to 18%. A ten-year difference in the age of the spouses in 39% of cases leads to a divorce.

2. Christians began using rings during the wedding in about 900 A.D. The Catholic Church commits to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand. Orthodox Christians usually wear an engagement ring on the ring finger of their right hand.

3. The custom of the newlyweds kissing at the end of the wedding ceremony came to us from Ancient Rome. However, back then it had a slightly different meaning - the wedding was actually a sort of contract, and the kiss served as a kind of seal binding this contract.

4. All the presidents of the United States of America were family people. The most “productive” American president was John Taylor - he had fifteen offspring.

5. Today, same-sex marriages are not rare; they are legal in some countries. Not surprisingly, the first country to officially register such unions was Holland. It was followed by other countries: Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway and so on. A month ago, France joined the list, where the Parliament approved the legalization of same-sex marriages. The Bible contains 372 warnings to heterosexuals and only 6 warnings to homosexuals. And it is not because God loves homosexuals less, He just needs to look more after heterosexuals.

6. Tales of unbridled passion during the honeymoon are more of a myth than a reality. According to the Australian Center for Quality of Life at Deakin University, the couple who have lived together for over a year turn out to be the happiest. Lead researcher Melissa Weinberg believes that immediately after the wedding couples face a "wedding hangover": they are sad that the holiday is over, and a real family life begins. However, Christian tradition censures honeymoons as they lead to having sexual intercourses other than for reproducing goals. If the physical side becomes the aim and begins to dominate the spiritual, it is condemned by the Church. Therefore, the Church condemns honeymoon.

Also, a true Christian will not approve a way of life where the husband continues physical contact with the wife, despite the conception of the baby or where wife gets rid of the child. After all, the marriage loses its moral significance.

Funny facts about marriage

funny facts about marriage1. Hugs elongate your marriage

Those who love hugging, here is some exciting news for you! In 2014, researchers at the University of Toronto proved that even the smallest expressions of tenderness have a positive effect on the daily and sexual life and relationships of partners.

2. It is proved that married people are less likely to face heart problems

Researchers at Langon Medical Center, New York University, found that married men and women had a 5 percent lower risk of heart disease than single people.

3. The best friends make the best spouses

In 2014, experts of the National Bureau of Economic Research found out that marriage leads to an increase of mutual well-being. Most of all, this increase was noticeable in those couples who have close friendships with their significant others. By the way, this conclusion of scientists can be identified with another factor. As polls have shown, loving people work more successfully, and happiness in family life helps achieve greater success in business.

Divorce in Christian marriage

Divorce in the Christian community is a more painful process, which is logical. If for people in secular society the option of divorce is often perceived as a norm, Christians adhere to other values. People who believe in God know that divorce was never the original plan of Him. The sacredness of the marriage union is confirmed on the pages of the Bible and uncompromisingly indicates that the marriage of a man and a woman is not just an alliance for life, but a great mystery and prototype of the relationship of Jesus Christ and His church.

Facts about marriage and divorce claim that Christians are 15% less likely to divorce than people who do not support the Church. In the tradition, it is best not to allow a divorce (or do everything possible to avoid it).

Thus, the main and perhaps the first rule - at the slightest signs of malfunction of your couple, which you cannot cope with, you need to seek help. This should be the solution (ideally) of two adult people who want to solve the issue and protect their marriage. Often, only one partner seeks help, but it is possible that your spouse will agree to talk and further resolve problems. The decision to turn to help is critical. And it is very, very important to let the minimal desire of both partners to save their marriage.

What do the facts say? Leading sociologists will confirm that if a married couple is serious about faith, if the husband and wife are Christians, not in words but indeed, this is very tangible (in a positive sense) and will affect their family life. The marriages of sincere believers are usually strong and lasting. The most accurate studies show that the number of divorces among Christians is much less than that of non-religious people. Although the number of divorces among sincere believers and among non-believers varies considerably, this is no reason for complacency. The percentage of divorces among Christians is too high to be calmed down. However, the fact remains: sincere faith and true discipleship have a real impact on the family. Let not all problems are solved, but the situation is significantly different from what we see among non-church people.

Сhristian marriage and sex

Sex is a very questionable subject in Christianity. For all Christians, the Bible is the main source of belief, whether it be the Old Testament (ancient Jewish Scripture) or the New Testament (which includes the four Gospels and the so-called epistles attributed to St. Paul and other Christian authors of the 1st century AD). St. Matthew brought the words of Jesus into the praise of monogamous marriage and against divorce. Despite this, very few Christians considered it necessary to conclude a church marriage in the first millennium of Christianity. The situation changed in the XI century, when the Pope Gregory VII decided that marriage is the exclusive prerogative of the church.interesting facts about marriage

There are rumors about Christian sexless marriage, but that is not true. Sex can be a thing in modern families, but it doesn’t have to be excessive and lead to lust.

Sex in Christian marriage is considered to be permitted, however, there are some dangers about contraception. In 2015, Pope Francis told reporters that Catholic families do not necessarily have to "breed like rabbits," and that they should limit the number of children. At the same time, he continued to strongly oppose "artificial contraception," noting that there are many "natural" methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Christian marriage advice

1. Be responsible

Marriage is an alliance that only death can destroy. The ceremony of marriage is that people make a covenant and give solemn promises to each other "to love, respect and care for each other until death part them." Regardless of what may happen in the future, a man and a woman promise not to leave each other "in health and illness, in wealth and poverty, in joy and in sorrow." Christian advice on marriage is to stay for each other no matter what the things are.

2. Mutual understanding and adjustment

Every person knows that people who have just got married will have clashes and so on. We are all absolutely different, we grew up in different families, had different upbringing, we all have our own habits and attachments. And the couple has a lot to learn, much to adapt to, much to understand and make a hundred discoveries. Thank God that He created us so different and different. If we were all the same, then we would not need to complement each other, and such a marriage would quickly bore us.

3. Have common interests

Even if the spouses love each other, they can very easily lose the unity and community that they had before. Usually, before the wedding, lovers do their best to learn more about the interests and interests of their chosen one, they spend a lot of time together, participating and being interested in the life of one another. It is necessary to save the sparkle you have and be a healthy, strong and united family! Ask questions, discuss topics and never leave each other, be proud of your significant other and always fight for your dream!

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