How to Say ‘Beautiful’ in Russian to a Girl

The beauty of Russian women can leave men speechless first. But when they come round, they want to get their thoughts together and express their admiration. Some of them are pretty skilled at paying compliments, while others usually say something ordinary. The power of compliments is great. An appropriate and timely compliment can help you make a good impression on a woman, boost her confidence, and show your romantic intentions towards her. Very often, compliments serve as conversation starters or pickup lines. And they are the inalienable attributes of the dating stage. If you want to impress a Russian girl, you should come up with a catchy compliment. Many guys take the easiest route and compliment Russian women on their appearance using general phrases. If a woman reads or listens to the same compliments on a daily basis, she stops taking them seriously. So, in order to use a compliment as an attention getter, you need to think out of the box. There are different ways of complimenting Russian girls and the following tips are aimed at helping you choose the right one that will melt the heart of your Russian girlfriend.


Pay attention to details. Russian girls will accept a compliment only if it goes from your heart. Sincerity is very much appreciated by Russians, so you need to sound as frank as possible while complimenting a Russian girl. The surefire way to do so is to focus on small details rather than express your overall impression saying “You are so beautiful”. Just have a closer look at her and compliment her on the feature that makes her unique. It can be the color of her eyes, long hair, tattoo, etc.

Add a question. You can use compliments to start a conversation and to keep the ball rolling. For this, don’t just state what you think about girl’s looks but ask her a question about it. For example, if she is wearing an elegant necklace, compliment her on her good taste and mention how that necklace accentuates her eyes. This way, you’ll focus on a particular detail. Continue your compliment by asking where she found it or wondering whether it is handmade.

Compare. Switch on your creativity to think of a good compliment. The poets always compare their loved ones with something beautiful in their poems. You should follow this pattern and come up with an apt comparison. Being brought up on the best works of Russian literature Russian girls will appreciate your endeavors. Don’t go out of your way trying to invent something worthy. If she has blue eyes, compare their color with the ocean or deep sea.

Don’t focus on appearance only. It’s important to compliment women on their great looks but if all the compliments you pay during your first conversation concern girl’s appearance, she may think that you’re interested only in her body and that you’re a rather superficial person. There is a rule of three compliments that says you should compliment a girl on three different aspects: her looks, her character, and her passions/interests.

Comment and ask. Complimenting a Russian girl on her personality you’ll definitely win her heart. But how can you compliment her if you don’t know her yet? In terms of online dating, you always have her profile at hand so read it attentively. Since many men often skip the information women include in their profiles, you have an opportunity to stand out. If her profile says she likes traveling and wants to travel a lot with her future partner, write to her that you’re into traveling too and it’s a rarity to meet a woman who has the same passion as yours. If a woman didn’t include much information about herself, compliment her on her education or occupation and say why you admire it.

Compliment her in Russian. One of the best ways to compliment a Russian girl is to do it in her native language. Even a simple “You are beautiful” will not sound so trite if you put its Russian equivalent – Ты красивая/Ty krasivaya. You can always use Google translate to get an instant translation of the phrase you want to write or say to a Russian girl. Also, there are a lot of online resources and video tutorials which you can use to learn some Russian compliments and even practice how to pronounce them.

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