What is the likelihood that Libra and Scorpio will enter into a relationship - are they compatible?

Air helps the fire ignite and grow, so a couple of the representatives of these two elements will grow together. To achieve an agreement, the leading role in the union is care. The fire must feel safe to reveal to the other half of their secrets without fear.

Libra and Scorpio compatibility

The union of two partners who are so close means that magnetic attraction has taken over. The air representative wants to get a "bad boy" and tame them due to their unique qualities: caring, comfort, and understanding. The partner will appreciate the effort and cannot remain indifferent.

Comfort means confidence in the interchange of your partner's feelings. The earthly representative seeks to create a tandem that will be safe for them. Thanks to the joint work of the elements of Air and Water, it will be possible to obtain the desired result. Therefore, earthly people should pay attention to their emotions and forget about those that destroy an excellent union from the inside.

Sexual life - compatibility of doubting Libra and fiery Scorpio in one bed

This rousing couple will succeed in building a sex life that suits the partners. The secret of success lies in the fact that the relationship begins with the establishment of a trusting atmosphere. Sensitive Air can make Water show its full emotional depth. Water in love will be satisfied if the choice is made in favor of the "air" companion. Ease and freedom - that's what the controlling partner lacks. Of course, breaking out of their tenacious hands is just as tricky as being at the center of their attention, but getting to know a potential partner will change the usual course of action. Even though these people seem the opposite, they have every chance to make their sex life varied and exciting. For this, the creativity of Air will come to the rescue. They will gladly suggest obvious ways to make sex passionate and memorable.

Kindness and patience will also benefit the sexual connection. They can talk to any closed Water and motivate her to explore her desires and fantasies. Since the goal of their partner is to give pleasure, the passion in their tandem will only increase. To capture the attention of a light-air element, you will need to prove your love. Confidence in the exchange of feelings allows you to convince your partner that there is no understatement. Thus, everyone will achieve the goal: the favor of the second half or complete care.

Libra in friendship with Scorpio - perfect compatibility and harmony?

It takes work to make predictions about creating an excellent tandem. Sexual attraction is felt in the Air. For this reason, quarrels and a quick loss of communication are possible. For partners to remain good friends, it will be necessary to limit the number of meetings and refrain from judgment. Sociability will make it easy to find a common language with other partners. At first, it may seem that the next close friend will be Water. Then, however, the partner may be annoyed by the activity of the second half in communication, which will become a stumbling block.

Friendship connections usually involve a bit of lust, jealousy, and hate. These feelings are caused by those features of Air that usually attract Water: popularity, ingenuity, and intelligence. A friendly representative of the element of Air will only be able to break through the protection of his friend if he is careful enough and tries to avoid excessive pressure. If they pressure their partner, they will quickly disappear from the social circle.

Libra and Scorpio compatibility percentage

Libra and Scorpio compatibility percentage

Is Libra and Scorpio a good match? Will the partners be able to be soulmates?

The couple will need to work on themselves to create a connection (both friendly and romantic). For example, Air is cheerful and can build a dialogue with anyone. However, in the case of Water, it is necessary to find suitable approaches to continue communication slowly. She, who wants to feel safe, falls under the influence of a partner, so you should not press too hard. Compromise solutions allow you to go from casual acquaintance to the best interlocutor. To do this, you must show your best qualities: care, attentiveness, and kindness.

Trust is a strong foundation between two people. This foundation is necessary for the continued development of the senses. The caution of Water should not be embarrassing because this character quality is one of the mandatory qualities for representatives of the elements of Air. Security will increase the level of trust. For this reason, Air will actively use its skills to create comfortable conditions for a partner. However, it will not be easy for Water to share his innermost secrets with another person, so you should not expect quick results.

Will Libra and Scorpio have a reliable marriage? All about their compatibility in this aspect

The creation of a family for these people means that their lives are now connected. However, this does not mean that problems are not expected. The couple must overcome many difficulties associated with different attitudes to their experiences. A bright representative of the air element builds his behavior based on logical conclusions during reflection. First, however, they need time and the opportunity to observe their inner world to determine their feelings.

Water, on the contrary, immediately understands how it treats its partner, and if they do not notice such an attitude, they try to get out of an uncomfortable situation. For a happy marriage, people must build personal boundaries and tell their partner why their feelings are expressed this way and not otherwise. Couples who pass this test can build a strong family with common interests. However, for a comfortable union, they need to take care of security, maintain trust, and deeply study the emotional potential of their beloved partner.

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