15 Modern Dating Rules Every Single Person Should Know

Nowadays dating can be compared to art. There is so much information about dating out there that your head can start to spin. To every question on dating, there are thousands of answers. People like to date for numerous different reasons but mostly because they feel alone and/or want a family. When you date someone, you’re surely looking for love, care, support, understanding. A person you date looks for the same things. Reading the following guide, you will become familiar with some of the most widespread, popular, and effective dating rules.

There are many rules of dating to follow. The amount of information about dating can easily confuse you. That is because some pieces of advice directly contradict each other. Like with any information you should choose what suits you best because, remember it, you as any other person on Earth is a unique and original individuality. The most common and generally useful rules of dating can help you systematize your approach and correct your attitude.

dating rules for women

1. Defining Your Objectives

Determine what you are dating for. In other words, what are your main objectives? You should be honest with yourself and with your partner about what you want from dating. Until you have a clear realization of your aims, there is no right way to achieve them. First, define where are you going and only then proceed to how you are going to get there.

If you’re dating strictly for sexual and sensual pleasure, let it be so. Don’t be ashamed of it because there are lots of people dating for the same reasons. Not everybody is fit to be a mother or a father. Moreover, not everybody wants to have a family or can afford to have one. Still, this is not a reason two people can’t be together if they want to.

2. Online Dating Rules

Do you want to date online or not? Modern technologies allow you to find a suitable partner via the Internet. However, a lot of people do not use the Internet for meeting new people and, especially, for dating out of principle. They prefer only live meetings in real life. There is no right and wrong here. You can try it both ways and see for yourself what suits you best. Online dating rules require you to do something special about your profile when you use internet dating services.

Tinder Dating Rules

If you’re dating online or want to start doing it, then you’ve probably heard about Tinder. The most important rule here is to organize your profile in a right way. You should choose your picture very carefully, perhaps making a special picture for your profile. Then, you should think about information you put in your profile. Never lie about your age, height or weight. Either be silent about your job or tell the truth about your position. Popular opinion out there suggests you to keep a steady balance between mystery and openness. Speaking otherwise, decide what you want to share immediately to attract attention and what you don’t want to share.

Choose your matches carefully. Don’t just click on everybody who looks beautiful. Clicking on more profiles won’t just get you more approvals. You will get more rejections as well, so don’t be disappointed. Read the profiles of people you want to date carefully so you could compare them in real life with how they appear on the Internet.

casual dating rules 3. First and Second Date Rules

The most important rule about first date is to have no expectations. Like, at all. The reason why people get offended or frustrated is that they expect a lot from a first date. Moreover, when your expectations are high, you become more stressed and nervous during your first date which may push off a person you’re dating. So, forget about kisses, hugs and, most of all, sex on a first date. This happens very rarely and, therefore, it is not right to demand it. It’s cool when it happens, so treat it as a pleasant exception. It can happen and it may not happen. Either way, stay relaxed and comfortable. Don’t force yourself on the one you’re dating because remember, it’s just one date.

Your first and main objective on a first date is to make sure second date happens. How to do it? Start by being yourself. You should always be yourself and don’t pretend or act. Acting is a lie. Any lie will sooner or later come out. So, be sincere about everything or if you have an urge to lie about something, better avoid the subject and stay silent. Remember that people can feel lies intuitively.

First date rules suggest you to be confident, work on your appearance, wear nice and comfortable clothes. Don’t just talk about yourself, learn how to listen and be attentive to the things your dating partner wants to share. When you talk about yourself, be passionate. People like what other people are passionate about. Enthusiasm is contagious. Talk about something that makes you really interesting.

Second date rules are all about not taking it for granted. Stay humble and cautious because, still, it’s only a second date. Chances of progress are higher here and you are welcome to have expectations. But stay moderate. You should aim for meeting your dating partner halfway. Every first date rule works here. However, the first date is usually about looks and non-verbal communication. The second date is all about the conversation. You should be interesting to talk to.

4. Dating Rules for Women

Every good dating advice works for both men and women. Thankfully, we no longer live in a patriarchic world but can enjoy the benefits of equality. Therefore, women, update your approach and make your attitude tolerable. Most men can’t stand both subjection and rebellion. Be in the middle and make your appearance intriguing. Avoid certain subjects like children and marriage in the beginning of dating.

Typically, men are working very slowly in this direction. Be open-minded and easy to talk to. Define what you like about your dating partner. You should be certain whether you like him physically and whether you find him attractive. Don’t think that he is good only because he is attractive. Also, don’t judge him basing only on looks. Some people need time to present themselves, some are naturally attractive. Do not think you are better or worse than your partner. Don’t jump to conclusions and let your partner either amaze or disappoint you on his own. It is advisable to be neither too accessible, nor too difficult to get. Always try being in the middle.

5. Dating Rules For Men

Typically men want to conquer a woman on a date right away. To be honest, it happens rarely. Moreover, when you rush things, you only decrease your chances of success. A date is not a supermarket where you can go whenever and get whatever you want. You cannot foresee or predict how your date is going to end. So, first of all be calm.

You can only be confident when you’re calm and comfortable. Remember these three words: comfort, calmness, and confidence. This must be your natural state during a date. Being nervous and emotional won’t help you in any way. On the contrary, stressful conditions tend to push women away from you because it means you are not confident. Women are going crazy about confident men who know what they want and hot to get it. Therefore, play cool.

first date rules6. Casual Dating Rules

Casual dating rules are all about set and setting. It means that besides you being yourself, a place, and your clothes, as well as time, all play an important role as well. Be creative when you choose a place or activity. Try to think out of the box. Choose going to a gallery instead of the usual meeting in a restaurant. This way you are going to have something to talk about.

Keep your conversation interesting. Don’t allow long pauses to happen. Nobody likes to be bored. If on a first date one of you is bored, chances are there wouldn’t be a second date. Choose clothes you are comfortable in. If you’ve never chosen jacket before, don’t start doing it right before your date. Be normal and act casually as if nothing extraordinary is happening. Never panic.

Treat your partner with all possible respect. Show him how much you are interested. If you’re not interested, don’t discourage your dating partner right away. Give him/her chance and time. Don’t be critical and stay open during a date.

7. Never allow somebody to choose for you

If you don’t want to go to aquarium or visit a beach, then don’t do it. An alternative solution should always come with your rejection. Remember that people easily get offended when they receive “no” as answer. Therefore, express your concerns and reasons of disapproval.

For example, your partner wants to kiss you on a third date. He/she thinks it is appropriate. You don’t think so because you are not ready. Your dating partner could think that everything failed and there is no longer any future for you together. If you also think so, then there is no problem. Better luck next time. However, if you just think it is early for a kiss or something, then state your opinion clearly. Your dating partner can easily understand you and, perhaps, wait when you’re ready. This is a power of communication.

8. Modern dating rules

Dating rules suggest you to be attentive while choosing your dating partner. Believe it or not but 50% of your success depends on preparation. Choosing a partner that can possibly fit you is a part of preparation.

9. Even if you’re not dating online...

You can still know a lot of things about your dating partner beforehand. For example, because you actually see a person you ask for a date, you can notice how he/she looks, dresses, moves, talks, etc. Think about the behavior of your possible dating partner. Define whether you like it or not.

modern dating rules 10. No matter whether you’re a man or a woman, be hospitable and share. Be kind because kindness attracts other people and make them feel comfortable.

11. Balance between talking and listening. A lot of people make one usual mistake by either staying silent all the time or talking without giving their partner a chance to say anything.

12. Never force yourself on a person you’re dating. When you hear no, it means “no”. Remember that you can’t own or control another person. Besides, nothing sincere can be forced. Let your dating partner choose on his/her own. Prepare to compromise and interrogate.

13. You definitely should make eye contact and physical contact. Besides kisses, there are numerous different tricks on how to do that. Gaze into the eyes is okay when it is no longer than 3 second. After that, it becomes awkward. Learn to do it with random strangers on the street. Smile when it is appropriate. Try touching your dating partner’s hand or shoulder when sitting together. Move smoothly and slowly. Never make sudden moves.

14. Always prepare your home in case it might be needed. It means that you should clean it up and ask your roommates (if you have any) not to disturb you.

15. Finally, have faith. You will succeed believing in your success. Faith brings confidence. Now, get out there and keep in mind at least half of what was said. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Always stay relaxed and comfortable. Other people will see it as confidence. Respect your dating partner and be open-minded. Good luck!

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