Confirming a date is implicitly giving your potential partner the choice to cancel or confirm what has been decided before. In other words, when you ask about whether everything will happen as planned, you show politeness and interest in the personal choices of another. Not to confirm the date can mean you do not care or simply forgot about the meeting. Many people will definitely wait for you to confirm a date. Otherwise, they think it is annulled. But how to do it properly without seeming miserable?
Confirming a Date: Redundancy or Necessity?
The first thing you shouldn't do is to flurry like a squirrel in a wheel. Everything has already happened if the girl accepted your invitation for the first time. The process is running. At this point, you can go too far and remain without a date if you send non-stop messages, especially during the working day. If you send a few texts a day to the person you like, and your conversation goes well, it is already clear that the date will take place. There is no urgent need to confirm the plans here. You can act wisely and pretend to forget the time or postpone it a little bit so that the girl thinks you have other plans. For example, you can write, "At six, right?" straight the day of the meeting. But to text to confirm date three or more times is an absolute mistake which will not add points to your confidence in your partner's eyes.
Most people believe that it is important to confirm the meeting at least the evening before it. Nobody wants to come to the place you have agreed on and stand there waiting for the person who will not come. This is a huge disrespect, and you should not even hope to build a relationship with this person after the incident. The confirmation text is the same seal with the inscription, "I remember about the date, and it will happen on time." If you write a simple, "I'm on my way" or "See you at 4!" then the girl will certainly understand that you are waiting for a date as much as she is.
How do you confirm a date? If a week has passed since your last meeting, then do not be too lazy to remind about yourself the night before the rendezvous, "Is our tomorrow's meeting at seven still valid?" You just need to confirm that you will be where you promised. Treat this not like the confirmation for yourself. The other party surely needs it too. Yes, confirming a date the night before or at least the day of the meeting is necessary. You make sure that you will not look like a fool coming alone. And the girl understands that you remember everything and care about her plans.
Should I Confirm a Date?
Imagine a situation if any of your plans have changed. For example, you fall ill, or the person cannot make it at the agreed time. But none of you texts to wonder if everything is valid. So, the other one will consider the silence as a sign of an affirmation. And come to the chosen place to find out the other one will not. This would be a pity. Such simple situations show that life is life, and sometimes events happen according to an unpredictable scenario. This is normal to change plans. A person cannot be guilty of facing sudden circumstances or falling ill. But not letting the other person know about them is what you, however, can be accused of. For this reason, confirming a date with a girl is necessary.
If you still wonder, "Should I text to confirm the date?" think about the next. Confirmation is the sign of politeness, which shows that you respect the boundaries of another person. Their world does not revolve around you, and it would be selfish to consider they remember your every word. Especially if the invitation for a date was verbal, it is essential to confirm it once again. The other person may be busy or experience serious problems in their personal life. They can totally forget about your agreement or what you have told them. So, confirming their plans, you do not seem desperate, you show respect and maturity.
Of course, provided that you did not bombard them with texts two days before. Even hints like, "Oh, I cannot wait till we meet this Friday" or "I do nothing but think about our future date" are enough to show your interest. In this case, reminding the person once again will be superfluous. The underlying message of such inquiries is, "I worry a long time in advance about this meeting because it is important to me, and I hope it will take place." This can be interpreted as the fact that you worry whether you will make it to the day because of your busy schedule. Or as the sign of internal anxiety and unconfidence.
How to Confirm a Date via Text Without Sounding Desperate
You should not call the person to confirm a date, especially if you have never met before. Imagine yourself in the situation when you have never heard the voice of the person, but they call you out of a sudden and ask for a strange confirmation. The whole matter gets creepier if you did not give them your number. The risk of rejection or scaring the girl is too great. Texting to confirm a date is the best way to wonder about the person's plans. Especially if you have been communicating only via messengers before, of course, many dating sites now provide the video chat or call functions. Then you can meet in a live chat room to get used to each other.
How to choose the best time to confirm your appointment?
In general, do not confirm the night before. The best formula is the time of the date plus 24 hours. If you planned to meet at 6 p.m. on Sunday, you could text to receive the confirmation from 4-6 p.m. the Saturday's evening. One day is enough to switch your plans in case you totally forgot about the meeting. For example, you agreed to meet with someone else or have a lot of work to do. Twenty four hours are enough to cope with this. Girls need to get the nails done, go to the hairdresser, and even buy the new outfit.
Confirming the date will not sound desperate if you did not specify the initial details. This is the great trick to do if you are unsure whether you will be free on the day of the meeting. So, you can suggest the girl to see on weekends and go to the cinema. But do not tell what day of the week you want to meet and which movie you will go to see. Texting to confirm a date is necessary in this case. You should message the girl the day in advance, and straightaway ask, "Do you like horrors?" She will be astonished by your confidence and the readiness to take over responsibility. This is the win-win scheme. The girl understand that you remember about the meeting but decided not to worry her with discussing details. Everything that is required from her is to come on time and look stunning.
Text to Confirm a Date: Examples and Tips
The key advice about how to confirm a date without sounding desperate is to pretend you do not need text because you question girl's plans. You do not want to show her that you worry. She may have changed her mind and does not plan to meet with you. If you do not ask again, the girl will think that you are not interested either. If you act unexpectedly and show that you have many things to do apart from a date with her, she may feel excited about the meeting. The plan here is to show your confidence, respect for her schedule, and acting natural.
How to confirm a date with a girl via text? To pretend that the future date is no a big deal for you, avoid serious wording and obtrusiveness.
- Hi, I would like to remind you that tomorrow it will be raining. But don’t worry, I will take an umbrella.
- What is your favorite restaurant? I want to know what time to book.
- Do you like soap operas? Unfortunately, those are the only movies running now at “AMC 25.”
- Do you know any great bars around here? And are a lot of people there on Fridays?
- I know the perfect place to spend tomorrow evening! I will take you up at 9.
- Do not wear hills tomorrow. I think we should take a walk to one stunning place.
- What about meeting at my place? Or did you plan something else?
- I am not asking. I am letting you know that you should be ready tomorrow at 7. Then I will tell you about the rest.
- Depending on the scale from ten to ten, how ready are you to go on a date with me tomorrow?
- You have twenty-four hours. Oh sorry, Siri accidentally sent you the notification from my reminder.
Confirming the date is important not only for the person who invites but the receiving party as well. Here are the options of affirmative answers for letting the person know you confirm the date too.
- I love coffee and spontaneous night walks, so why not?
- Of course, I can. And my gut tells me I should go there with you.
- This is the movie I have wanted to see for the last week. I will be glad to do this with you.
- Surely we can try it. I will let you know whether I can make it at 6, but the idea itself seems great to me.
- And what about the new spot a few quarters from here? If you let me, I can show you a marvelous place.
This is nice of you to remind me. Yes, I remember about the time and place and have nothing to add.
- Oh, yes, I do no object to any of your ideas. Yet, I would like to know should I wear something more comfy or classy?
- I adore surprises! So, I agree, and the rest is up to you to decide. Just let me know time of the meeting.
- It is possible, but only depending on what you expect from this meeting!
- This is nice of you to wonder about my plans. No, nothing has changed, and the date is still valid.
How to Act after a Date
In case everything went well, you would like to meet again. Deciding whether you need to confirm the date each time is a controversial topic. As your relationships develop further, the meeting can become more spontaneous. The person is likely to consider the future date in their schedule even if you haven't invited them yet. Or you can suggest going somewhere before an hour, and this will not look impolite. But what to do after the first date if you feel that you liked each other?
The time between the first and second meetings is another potential period of possible failure because there is a temptation to activate an endless and annoying dialogue. If you notice that you text a girl from morning to evening, you should stop. On the other hand, the absence of messages for three days is also strange. The best reminder after the date should be the message mentioning something you were discussing during the meeting, "This morning I had breakfast in the cafe that you advised me. You were right. This is a very cool place!"
But you do not want to overdo it with such messages. The excellent impression you created on your first date can evaporate immediately after the message, "Last night was magical" or "I am still on my way home, but I already miss you. When will we meet again?" If you text the girl, "Good morning, beauty," she will immediately cancel the next date.
Only after the third date, you leave the danger zone of potential failures. Most people do not have enough time and persistence to gradually enter the personal boundaries of the partner. They break into their personal space and wonder about inappropriate things. Texting, "Did you enjoy my company?" "Would you like to meet again?" or "What about meeting the day after tomorrow?" is unacceptable. You should still respect the other person and make your way towards mutual closeness. Only after the few such meeting, you will be free of the obligation to confirm every date.
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