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Traits of a Gemini Woman in Love

Gemini Woman Dating: Facts for brighter relationships


Dating a Gemini Woman

Many people choose life partners, based on their horoscope and almost always it helps learn about character and temperament. Having studied this information, you can find out how to win the heart of a Gemini woman. She is a very charming and attractive woman who always has many friends and admirers. To interest her, it is necessary to do everything right. So, how to make a Gemini woman miss you and fall in love with you?

Tips for men

To attract a girl born under this zodiac sign, you need to understand what Gemini woman personality is and what kind of men such girl loves.

1.     Give compliments

How to attract a Gemini woman? For any female representative, the compliments said to her are important. Like any other girl, a Gemini woman likes compliments that relate to appearance. Tell your woman that she is beautiful, looks good, that her clothes are amazing. Try to notice changes in her appearance – a new hairstyle, a different make-up, a pretty dress.

2.     Communicate with her

It’s easy to attract the attention of your chosen one. If you want to interest a girl of this zodiac sign, then you should actively communicate with her, talk, look for common ground. It can also be similar interests and hobbies.

3.     Don’t pretend to be someone else

These ladies immediately notice when a man is trying to pretend to be someone else. You need to behave naturally, joke, and smile. Gemini women like open and smiling people. If you are such a man, then she will notice you and the question of how to tell if a Gemini woman likes you will be irrelevant.

4.     Don’t look silly

A Gemini girl really appreciates the intelligence of her partner. Dumb men (even very handsome ones) are simply not interesting to her. To attract your chosen one, you should be able to make a conversation work. So, read more, develop. Also, if you want to turn on a Gemini woman in bed, you have to be a smart man who knows what to talk about before and after sex.

5.     Don’t be boring

She can’t stand boredom and this is one of the best traits of a Gemini woman. Surprise, pamper and amuse her. The novelty in a relationship will be the key to success. Sometimes it’s enough just to have a good time together – go to the cinema, visit a restaurant or go outdoors.

6.     Forget about  jealousy

Gemini women, as a rule, are very attractive and beautiful. Therefore, they always enjoy increased attention from men. And they flirt with anyone. Calm down. If a Gemini woman has already chosen you as her “man”, she’s not going to cheat on you. Flirting is an integral part of her life. She will not be interested in affairs with others when a Gemini woman is in love. But any restriction of freedom can greatly harm your relationship.

7.     Share her interests and views

Gemini women appreciate like-minded people who “look with them in the same direction”. Dating a Gemini woman, praise her for successes and achievements, be sincerely interested in her hobbies, and support any of her initiatives (very, very numerous, by the way!).

8.     Get ready for a change of mood

The duality of a Gemini woman often makes her rush from one extreme to another. Now she is absolutely happy and loves the whole world, then, literally in a minute, she is angry. Take it all calmly. She will appreciate your calmness and will be grateful for such patience.

9.     Surprise her

How to seduce a Gemini woman? Surprise her as often as possible. It can be original gifts, unexpected offers (to pack bags in an hour and fly to another country), change your own image or discover your own abilities, not yet known to her. Do anything but surprise her. Invite the woman to where you haven’t been with her yet – a new cafe, museum, vacation spot etc. Be creative!